
Saturday 13 October 2018

Ms Excel

MS Excel 

1. What is MS Excel?

Ans. MS Excel is a very vital part of office application under MS office package. Excel is a spreadsheet software that is used for storing, organising and manipulating data in rows and columns. In MS Excel we can perform complex mathematical calculations of data. MS Excel also allows you to represent data pictorially in the form of charts. The Ms Excel file is save with .xls extension name.

2. What is worksheet?
Ans. It is a work area made up of horizontal rows and vertical columns where you enter and work with the data. When you open MS Excel, 3 worksheets are added by default. We can add more worksheets as per users requirement, MS Excel contains 1048576 number of rows and more than 512 columns in a worksheet.

3. What is workbook?
Ans. It is a collection of multiple worksheet stored under a single file. When you save MS Excel document, you are actually saving a workbook.

4. What are rows?
Ans. It is the arrangement of cells in horizontal direction, each row in a worksheet is identified using a number. Rows are numbered from top to bottom in ascending order starting from 1, 2, 3 till 65-536

5. What are columns?
Ans. It is an arrangement of cell in the vertical direction. Each columns on a worksheet is identified using a unique label. The columns are labelled as A, B, C… followed by AA, AB, AC, till XFD.

6. What is cell?
Ans. Cell is the most basic unit of a worksheet. It is formed by the intersection of rows and columns.

7. What is cell address?
Ans. Every cell in a worksheet is identified using an address that corresponds through the columns letter and row numbers. If row “5” and column “B” intersect each other the address of the cell formed by this intersection becomes “B5”. Name box displays this address in a worksheet.

8. What is cell pointer?
Ans. In an active cell when an user copy the same data from a cell box to another cell box. We drag the data of the cell with the help of mouse is known as cell pointer. It is identified by (+) sign at the right hand corner.

9. What is an active cell?
Ans. It is the cell in a worksheet which is surrounded by a thick black boundary.

10. What is range of cell?
Ans. It refers to a group of cells i.e. adjacent to each other forming a rectangular shape.

11. What is Formula Bar?
Ans. It is the bar at the top of the MS Excel worksheet that displays the contents of the current cell. The formula bar also contains the enter button or cancel button.

12. What is Auto fill feature of MS Excel?
Ans. It is the feature in MS Excel that allows you to create a series of numbers. Data or any other items that follows a particular pattern. Using Auto fill you can fill the cell using defined series of data. For example- Predefined series include Monday, Tuesday… or January, February… and so on. User defined series include 1, 2, 3, 4… or 1 March, 2017.

13. What is Formulae?

Ans. A formula is a mathematical expression involving numbers, values, operators like (+, -, *, /, etc.-) and cell address for performing calculation on a worksheet. Formula evaluate to a single value. All the formulae start with an equal (=) sign. 


Extension name

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